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Alexa Ilacad perfectly captures heartbreak after a failed relationship with “Paano”

Alexa Ilacad will be taking you on a journey of heartbreak while listening to the Pop R&B song “Paano”.

For people familiar with Alexa’s music, her catchy pop tunes and high pitch vocals are one of her trademarks when it comes to her songs. She proves not to only be a versatile actress, but also a talented singer who can give life to every song she performs.

“Paano” is a single written and composed by Alexa Ilacad and her best friend Eunice Jorge.

Throughout the song, you will hear music that is catchy with a beat of rhythmic and soulful blues. “Paano,” a song written as a therapy for hearts and the past. It is a song for everyone who has ever wondered where they went wrong and how they can begin to move forward. Through lyrics and vocals that hit home, “Paano” expresses raw emotions of a person looking for answers and closure on their own after a failed relationship, a song that you will undoubtedly play after a heartbreak to cry yourself to sleep.

“Paano” is Alexa Ilacad’s first single to be released this 2022. Stream on all music streaming platforms!

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